How to Master The Art of Following Through: Without Burning Out

16 November 2023
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How to find out what you want

Setting goals is easy, but following through and accomplishing them is often challenging. As a coach, I meet a lot of people who struggle with maintaining focus, self-discipline, and persistence when it comes to pursuing their aspirations.

However, with the right mindset and strategies, it is possible to overcome obstacles and achieve your goals.

In this article, we will explore the key concepts to help you develop the necessary skills to follow through and accomplish what you set out to do.

Before diving into the strategies for achieving your goals, take a moment to reflect on what you want to accomplish in your life.

Identify any areas where you lack the necessary focus, discipline, or persistence to make your intentions a reality.

Whether it’s starting a new business, improving your skills, or pursuing a passion project, understanding your goals is essential for the following-through process.

The Elements of Following Through

The act of following through can be broken down into four key components.

For success, it is important to master all of these elements because they work together to help you overcome challenges and move closer to your desired outcomes.


Focus is keeping your thoughts and actions focused on your goal.

It requires maintaining clarity about what you want to achieve and avoiding distractions that could hinder your progress.

Staying focused helps you make better decisions and use your time and energy effectively.


Self-discipline is the backbone of perseverance. It is your ability to stay committed and motivated in the face of obstacles and temptations.

Self-discipline helps you to push through resistance and maintain consistency in what you do, even when you don’t feel like doing it.

Developing self-discipline enables you to overcome default modes like laziness, procrastination, and other destructive habits that hinder your progress.


In order to turn your intentions into reality, taking action is a crucial step.

Note To Self: “Goals remain dreams without action; it is essential to plan and carry out specific tasks to achieve them.”

It is essential that you plan and carry out specific tasks that will bring you closer to the outcome you want to achieve.

You bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to be by consistently taking action.


Perseverance is the quality that keeps you going, even in the face of setbacks or challenges.

Many meaningful goals require long-term commitment and effort.

Even when the going gets tough, it’s important to stay resilient, maintain your motivation, and keep pushing forward.

Perseverance is what ensures that you stay on the right track until you reach the finish line.

Overcoming Inhibiting Tactics

While the elements of follow-through may seem straightforward, there are various inhibition tactics and psychological roadblocks that can hinder your progress.

It’s important to identify these obstacles in advance and develop strategies to overcome them.

Inhibiting Tactics

Obstacles can arise in the form of behaviors or habits which prevent you from making progress.

These barriers encompass setting impractical objectives, delaying action, engaging in diversions, and having ineffective time-handling skills.

To surmount these setbacks, practical and specific goals need to be set, time must be managed adroitly, and distractions that hinder advancement should be curtailed.

Psychological Roadblocks

Internal mental mechanisms can hinder progress and action.

These can be in the form of psychological roadblocks such as idleness, dread of failure or criticism, perfectionism, and a deficiency in self-awareness.

To overcome these hurdles, it is vital to foster self-belief, regulate your fears, acknowledge imperfections, and create a robust sense of self-awareness.

Create Your Own Rules

Developing personalized rules and guidelines is key to maintaining motivation and making sound choices throughout your path.

These regulations work as a compass, directing you towards success and aiding in overcoming obstacles.

Here are some personal habits that have had a remarkable impact on my life:

Evaluate Yourself Daily

If you ever doubt yourself or feel like quitting, question if fear or laziness is responsible. Remember that your skills are not the problem, and fight the resistance.

Three Tasks Maximum

Complete three tasks from your list each day. This technique will help you feel productive and avoid feeling overwhelmed.

Limitations and Requirements

Set clear boundaries for activities that could divert your attention and establish precise instructions for your daily tasks.

Managing your time and prioritizing your goals is crucial.

Think in Terms of 5-5-5

When making decisions, consider both short-term and long-term outcomes to ensure they align with your goals.

Think ahead to how you’ll feel in the next 5 minutes, 5 hours, 5 days, and 5 years. This approach can help you make better choices.

If faced with an unproductive urge, try waiting for just five minutes before acting on it. More often than not, the desire will disappear, and you can proceed.

Focus on Achieving Your Goals

Working towards your goals is a journey that can change your life for the better.

Although it can be challenging at times, the benefits are well worth the effort.

Developing focus, self-discipline, taking action, and persistence can improve productivity, build trust, and enhance self-image.

Connect with your passions, hobbies, and abilities every day.

Final thoughts

To achieve your goals, it takes more than just setting them.

You must also have the determination to persevere, even when confronted with obstacles.

By identifying the key components of following through and developing strategies to overcome inhibiting tactics and psychological barriers, you can increase your chances of success.

Implementing specific rules and guidelines tailored to your individual needs will assist you in maintaining motivation and achieving steady advancement toward your goals.


Hollins, P. (2018). Finish What You Start: The Art of Following Through, Taking Action, Executing, & Self-Discipline. Independently Published.

Grant, H., & Dweck, C. (2003). Clarifying Achievement Goals and Their Impact. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 85(3), 541-553.

Duckworth, A. L., Peterson, C., Matthews, M. D., & Kelly, D. R. (2007). Grit: Perseverance and Passion for Long-Term Goals. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 92(6), 1087-1101.

Latham, G. P., & Locke, E. A. (2007). New Developments in and Directions for Goal-Setting Research. European Psychologist, 12(4), 290-300.

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